Thank you for your interest in volunteering.  

Please send back the completed purple volunteer form to your child's teacher.

Staff Appreciation - Staff Appreciation is a committee that plans special ways to pamper our teachers and staff.  We host monthly luncheons at South Elementary; parents are invited to contribute a donation like a side dish, a salad, a dessert or another item.  This committee also organizes special treats in December for the holidays and plans an end of the year meal where all staff can dine together and reflect on the school year’s successes. 
PTSO volunteers would:
   donate food/drinks for luncheons, craft supplies for projects, etc
   help set up luncheons
   help clean up luncheons
   help assemble crafts

Fall Fair - Fall Fair transforms South into a fun carnival atmosphere for the night.  While PTSO does raise a little money from it, the goal is to provide a family friendly night of games and contests that both children and parents can participate in.  Upwards of 20 games fill the classrooms, while a basket raffle lures attendees to purchase more tickets to increase chances of winning!  It is a fun night that kids of all ages look forward to. 
PTSO volunteers would:
   Help secure and collect community donations
   Help with food for the evening - pizza, drinks, concessions
   Help assemble raffle baskets - accomplished during school hours

Fun Run - South Elementary PTSO will host it’s third annual fun run powered by Boosterthon in the spring of 2017.  This is our primary fundraiser.  Last year we bought several pieces of needed playground equipment with our proceeds!
PTSO volunteers would:
   Help organize prizes upon delivery
   Help sort handouts and participate in behind the scenes planning
   Help distribute prizes during our Team Days
   Help set-up the day of the fun run
   Help clean up the day of the fun run

Box Tops - Parents send in box tops to their child’s teacher and they give them to PTSO.  We are responsible for counting them and confirming all are within date.  The are packaged and submitted in October and in February.  Box Tops then mails us a check for the proceeds.  Each box top is worth $0.10 and PTSO has collected between $1200-$1500 yearly. 
PTSO volunteers would:
   Confirm the box tops are within date and count them.  This is an excellent way to serve from home. 

Spirit Wear - Twice a year PTSO sells South spirit wear consisting of short sleeve shirts, long sleeve shirts, hoodies and magnets. 
PTSO volunteers would:
   Copy and distribute order forms
   Help sort and distribute spirit wear once ready

Book Fair/Media Center - South Elementary Media Center hosts 3 book fairs during the school year.  The Book Fair Coordinator lines up other PTSO volunteers to assist the Media staff with the daily operation while the book fair is open.
PTSO Book Fair volunteers:
   Help set-up the book fair
   Help children during the book fair make appropriate book selections (1 hour increments of time)
   Help dismantle the book fair

New this year is the opportunity to volunteer in the Media Center.  These would be volunteers throughout the year that would be available during school hours to help Susan Overcash. 
PTSO Media Center volunteers:
   Help shelving books and organizing shelves.